Backyard Homesteading

Journaling my backyard homesteading lifestyle and hopefully giving you a few tips along the way.
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Friday, July 13, 2012


Oh my gosh who doesn't love making compost. I hate turning compost heaps, but man I love making them. It's like making a giant cake, or a witch bending over her cauldron making a spell.  A dash of this and a spot of that until your brew is just right.
Last summer I grew a delicious patch of potatoes in the centre of an old tractor tyre.  After a summer of continual harvesting the soil was looking depleted and had sunk half way down the tyre.  I’m sure there are lots of small potatoes still in there but I needed some where to build a compost heap and the tyre was the perfect place.
I left the remaining potatoes and soil undisturbed and on top I added alternating layers of ‘greens’ and ‘browns’ that mix to make a good hot compost pile.  Lush green weeds, paper scraps, food scraps, a cardboard carton that my Lillybet Clothing banner had come in, more weeds,  some well manured straw from the chook (hen) house, more food scraps, a thin layer of dirt, more paper, more weeds, a shredded pizza box, and a final layer of manured straw from the chickens shed.  

All this took about a week and during this time the weather was nice enough to rain off and on so each layer has been very well dampened.  Now to leave it cooking for a week or two before I turn it.

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